Sunday, 30 October 2011


here we are ladies!!!!

since I find "mr random" a little bit too impersonal I did this in my own way and asked to special little helpers to give me a hand!

so that's what we did as soon as we got up this morning

the girls were quite curious about it

elettra picked the first one being older... so the person she picked will get "baroque" that is the very first kit I made

and the winner is TINCI!

then Demetra picked the second one

and the winner is BAMBOLANDO!

so please TINCI and BAMBOLANDO please contact me giving me your email so that I can send you the coupon!


  1. OMG! What a fantastic surprise! Thank you so much sweetie!

  2. my e-mail:

  3. Hahahaha!!!! Le miss Random de noialtri!!!! Sono troppo!!!!

  4. congrats girls!!

    laura ma che belle aiutanti che hai!!! la tua trovata è assolutamente fantastica, mi hai fatto morire dal ridere!!

  5. hi sweetie,

    I saw the photo's from the girls how they choose a winner, It's so sweet!!

    Congratulations girls!!

    Big, big hugs, Lucienne -xxx-
