Ciao ragazze recentemente mi è stato chiesto perchè non faccio mai una raccolta insieme al kit e così ci ho pensato su e mi sono detta "ma si proviamo!" Per cui ecco a voi la collezione completa del mio ultimo kit "TEA WITH FRIENDS".
some friends recently asked me "why don't you make bundles with your kits" so I thiught I could give it a try, and here you have a whole collection for my latest kit "TEA WITH FRIENDS"
the bundle includes: full kit "Tea with friends" (22 papers, 104 elements, 42 shadowed versions, 2 wordarts)
patchwork alpha (lower, upper and punctuation)
5 ready to use quickpages
10 wordarts
10 ready to use clusters
"TEA WITH FRIENDS - BUNDLE" on sale from today exclusively @
SCRAPBOOKGRAPHICShere you have the previews

you can buy the BUNDLE